Monday, July 26, 2010

Everybody wants to be a Princess

Courtesy of Rosie, I give you Princess Jac
They're getting ready to dance on the "stage".

Learning the moves.
Performing the piece.

One happy, mischievous big sister.

One happy innocent little brother who will one day be hoping his girlfriend NEVER sees these pictures.


  1. Awesome!! But I bet he is pretty happy being that little princess...for the time being.

  2. hahahahahaha my favorite is the one where she is teaching him to dance

  3. So I see the picture and I laugh out loud because I can totally see that.. I show it to Ben and all I hear is NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! That made me laugh even harder!!

  4. like his father. I think I have a picture of Jerm in high heels and mascara! :)
