Monday, August 9, 2010

Closer to 30 than to 20.

Today is my 26th birthday. WAHOOO!! I thought it would be appropriate to remember some of the things that made me who I am. The first memories I have are of Tyler, Kristy, and I dancing to Michael Jackson's Bad in our 5 year glory. The best part is we choreographed it ourselves. We were amazing kids with a lot of creativity and ingenuity. Thanks guys for never being afraid to put me on your shoulders. We wanted to dance so we did the fact that we were little and inexperienced didn't stop us. We didn't understand can't. It took me a long time to understand "can't", and frankly I still have issues with "can't".

I remember when I turned 7 my parents used those candles that light up again after they've been blown out. Everyone thought it was funny funny funny. Everyone except me. I ran to my room crying because it was my birthday and everyone laughed at me! What the crap?? You're not supposed to be laughed at on your birthday! My Mom came and explained to me that it was my birthday and they'd much rather be laughing with me so lighten up, get myself together, and come have fun. Birthdays are times when everyone lets you know how much you mean to them, but you gotta let them know how much they mean to you too. Remember that Becca, Tyler, Kristy, and Adam?

I remember when I turned 8 we went to Disneyland with my cousin Veronica and friends Kristy and Tyler and others. It was spectacular! It forever solidified my status as a "Disney Girl". And I remember when I turned 10 my Parents set up a Wacky Fun House obstacle coarse in our yards where we were covered in all sorts of messy delectables like jello and whipped cream before diving off a "super high" platform into our pool. It was just as spectacular. It's not about the money, it's about the effort and the thought.

I remember before 5th grade Wells got me a Lion King back pack. It wasn't my favorite to be honest, but I loved Wells so I used it all year. and think about how sturdy it was every time I need a new back pack. My kids just got their first back packs and I was hoping for the sturdiness of that old Disney stand by. It got thrown around and trampled, all it needed was a go in the washer to come out looking brand spanking new. Quality, quality, quality.

In Jr high my friend Bec was often doodling  the words; Love, Piece, and Happiness. It resonated with me so much that I had a Love, Peace, and Happiness birthday party in 7th grade Where I got the Hanson's Middle of Nowhwere C.D. (CDs were brand new at the time) and thought; "How stupid! What the hell am I going to listen to this with?" as I had no CD player. It was the first time I'd ever been truly jealous of someone and recognized it. Tyler already had a CD player and his birthday was still two weeks away that stupid spoiled butt head. What's my Mom expect me to do? Go to his house and listen to it? Fat chance I'd share my musical gold with that kid. Again, I went to my room crying. This time I tried not to be noticed. My Mom still followed me. Again, I was told I was ruining my birthday for me and everyone else and to stop being a brat. Not only that, but Tyler came to find me. Tyler the brat with the magical boom box that could play my brand new cherished music. He made me feel worse by knowing exactly why I was upset (that I had no CD player) and that I could borrow his. Great, that punk just turned me into the butt head - stupid butt head! My Love, Peace, and Happiness party was turning into a Jealousy, Anger, and Resentment party. Then my Dad showed up - hours late - with my present. A brand new CD player! Lesson Learned; Be on time, and be grateful, and it's not their fault they have what you want.

Later that Year Melona Mosden had a birthday party in a suite at the Las Vegas Raquet Club. It was unsupervised . We were all so excited! But, too innocent and naive to try to be bad by digging out our parents liquor or cleansers. We were going to a boy/girl party unsupervised! What more did you need? Of course in our eagerness to be grown up the night got dramatic and Tyler was trying to commit suicide by massaging his temples to death. What did I say? I am ashamed to admit it but it was something to the affect of "that won't work, lets see if he can do it". After the fact I learned that I was never as good of a friend as my friends deserved, and Tyler will always be the bigger Drama Queen, but I'm a close second.

I remember Birthdays while I summered in Ohio a simple and happy time. The less drama you have the happier you are.

Two weeks after my 18th a huge car wreck where I almost lost my fingers... Guess who was there - Tyler, Char, and Rhonda.

I remember when I turned 20 and my BFF left on his mission. I had only the one friend at that point that I counted, I'd lost touch with the Classics; Kristy, Becca, Tyler, Adam, Wells, April, Marie, Zoe because of a car wreck, moving, and new religion. It was a sad day. Then Teira called me way too early for sane people to wake up. She told me to come out and get in the car. She, Jenni, and Erin were taking me to breakfast in our PJs. Little did they know that I slept naked! So I threw on PJs and came down. It was the dawning of a new era in my life. It's never to late to make friends especially on your birthday!

When I was at BYU and Marie got me the Goo Goo Dolls CD accepted with way less drama than Hanson. It was a surprise party that I wasn't as surprised about as I should've been. I discovered I'm kinda shrewd

I remember turning 21 with Jello cake courtesy of Jenni because my braces made my teeth hurt. It was a great party with the Moderns; Teira, Ben, Christine, Jenni, Matt, and Dave maybe some others too. Kelsey, were you there? I was wearing a green trucker hat. I almost found myself at this point, there was a spring in my step.

Then I got married... and I didn't marry a birthday guy. He's had some great efforts and some not-so-great attempts. Birthdays are just days to him, but I'm slowly changing his mind. Anybody ever do the math of our kids birthdays and notice that would land conception right around Jeremy's birthday. Yeah, I know how to work his brain into liking things. So this year what's the lesson? Silence is golden and under appreciated. I will always be discovering who I am, if I ever know for sure I'm not growing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family and hope I can give my kids the kinds of defining birthdays I had. If I died today, although I am not ready, I would be content because so many of you posted on my facebook I know you'd all be at my funeral. It would be huge. Thanks for loving me! I love each and every one of you too. More than you'll ever know or could ever guess.



  1. Musical Gold,Hansen, Really????? By the way.. Thank you for not coming to breakfast naked!! =) We love you Jade!! Happy Birthday!!

  2. I LOVED this post.. I had a few over-dramatic bratty moments of my own on birthdays, haha! And I was laughing soo so hard at your last paragraph! Jacob is not a birthday person either (but I am).. might have to try some of your tricks ;)
