I think Valentines Day is important because it reminds us that we should love everyone, even the smelly kid in class. However, I have a problem with kids handing out candy hearts and messages that say things like: "Will you be mine?" or "I Love You." or "I like your butt!" or my absolute favorite to hate; "Kiss Me." WHAT!!!!!! You're four! Stop that, it's completely inappropriate! So I made my own with Rosie's help and I think they're cute. Not one is the same, which makes them custom! Here they are:
Some have more heart shaped spots than others. |
We used bubbles instead of candy because my kids live with their grandparents which means they eat enough candy with out you giving them some. I really don't like candy, unless I'm the one eating it. Candy is for Halloween. Besides we're robust enough (fine, I'm robust enough. Does that make you happy?) That we-I should NEVER eat another piece of candy again! I take a lot of pride in designing it myself and commandeering my mother in laws cricut to make them.
The top heart holds the bubbles in place. |
Inside It says: "You caught the Love Bug!" Completely appropriate for a four year old. Even if she does like someone in her class' butt. (Really, I wouldn't be surprised she talks about poop enough that it's entirely possible that she's a butt girl.) And, she struggled through and wrote her name-grudgingly 15 times! Yay Rosie! She writes Jayna, because after all, that is her first name. I wanted to make some for my parents and friends and grandma, but I ran out of paper and patience. So "Happy Valentine's Day!" You get a picture of a Love Bug Valentine. And a story too!
Here's the Poem that started the wheels inside my head a-spinin' :
It begins with a grin.
It turns to a giggle.
I start to laugh.
My legs start to wiggle.
I look around for someone to hug.
What can I do? I caught the Love Bug.
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