Thursday, April 14, 2011

Somedays I feel like handing my kids one of these

Dear Kiddos,

Effective immediately I quit. I can no longer help you because you are not nice to me and it hurts my feelings. You continually ask others for what you want when I say no. This is no okay and hurts my feelings. I do not like it when you spit, yell, growl, scream, whine, cry, or throw stuff at me. I feel bad when you behave this way towards me.

I love taking care of you, but I cannot do it any longer because you do not allow me to be Nice Mom. In order for me to get you to do anything I have to be Mean Mom. I do not like Mean Mom. If you need anything feel free to go to anyone else. I do not know how else to teach you appreciation.

I will no longer be performing these duties

• Taking you to school

• Paying for your fun activities

• Taking you to fun activities

• Picking you up from school

• Taking you to the park

• Making you meals

• Getting you drinks

• Washing your clothes

• Helping you pick up

• Teaching you fun new things

• Playing puzzles

• Making your beds

• Dusting/vacuuming your room

• Reading to you (including this letter)

When you feel like apologizing and putting your best effort into being kind to me feel free to let me know. I accept payment in the form of Thank Yous, Smiles, Hugs, and Kisses.


Your Former Mommy

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I think Valentines Day is important because it reminds us that we should love everyone, even the smelly kid in class. However, I have a problem with kids handing out candy hearts and messages that say things like: "Will you be mine?" or "I Love You." or "I like your butt!" or my absolute favorite to hate; "Kiss Me." WHAT!!!!!! You're four! Stop that, it's completely inappropriate! So I made my own with Rosie's help and I think they're cute. Not one is the same, which makes them custom! Here they are:

Some have more heart shaped spots than others.
We used bubbles instead of candy because my kids live with their grandparents which means they eat enough candy with out you giving them some. I really don't like candy, unless I'm the one eating it. Candy is for Halloween. Besides we're robust enough (fine, I'm robust enough. Does that make you happy?) That we-I should NEVER eat another piece of candy again! I take a lot of pride in designing it myself and commandeering my mother in laws cricut to make them.

The top heart holds the bubbles in place.

Inside It says: "You caught the Love Bug!" Completely appropriate for a four year old. Even if she does like someone in her class' butt. (Really, I wouldn't be surprised she talks about poop enough that it's entirely possible that she's a butt girl.) And, she struggled through and wrote her name-grudgingly 15 times! Yay Rosie! She writes Jayna, because after all, that is her first name. I wanted to make some for my parents and friends and grandma, but I ran out of paper and patience. So "Happy Valentine's Day!" You get a picture of a Love Bug Valentine. And a story too!

Here's the Poem that started the wheels inside my head a-spinin' :
It begins with a grin.
It turns to a giggle.
I start to laugh.
My legs start to wiggle.
I look around for someone to hug.
What can I do? I caught the Love Bug.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Waaaaaay too long!

I don't know where to start. So this blog is just going to be a list of happenings since my last blog.
1. Mother's Beach!
2. I got knocked up.
3. Heidi & Jeff visit!
4. I quit my job and pulled the kids out of school.
5. I'm back in school for Elementary Ed (again).
6. Signed Rosie up for 2 1/2 days a week at the community center preschool.
7. Signed Jac up for 1 1/2 day a week at an in home Montessori school.
8. Thanksgiving
9. Signed Rosie up for two ballet lessons a week.
10. It's a girl!
11. Kerri and Family visit for Christmas.
12. New Years snow!
13. Jerm Gets laid off and comes to live with us!

So now that we're up to date. I guess I'll be moving forward.